Summer Break Incoming!

Hello, not goodbye.

In partnership with

Hello Friends,

"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

– Winston Churchill

This is going to be hard, but I am pretending I am a teacher and taking a summer break from publishing Jay Chillin articles. I have a couple of projects in the works that need my undivided attention. This is not goodbye but see you later.

I will reengage with all of you after the summer to give an update on my status and the status of Jay Chillin. I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading along. I will continue my writing and educational journey in the months ahead, but you can only have so many things going at once, and I have been pushed, from my own doing, above my limit. This means that something has to go.

It was a hard decision to make, but we ran the numbers, and this is our least profitable endeavor currently. While this is one of my favorite parts of each week, it makes the least money. The power to push it to the lengths of my other ventures is not accessible right now.

As my parting gift, I want to announce that Johan was the winner of the raffle! I will be reaching out to you individually to get you the Amazon Gift Card!

If you want to follow my personal writing throughout the summer, I will be on Medium, LinkedIn and X.

Again, I appreciate each and every one of you. Hope to talk to you soon.



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Cleaning Up

Legal disclaimer (aka be an adult!): This is NOT financial advice and I am not responsible for your financial decisions and outcomes. I appreciate all of you but do not be stupid with your money and blame me. This is for educational purposes and every situation is specific and different. I do not have one, but if you need personal help with finances then get a fee-based Financial Planner. They will help you with long term goals.

Product links in this article are affiliate links. I will receive a commission if you purchase using the links. This will come at no extra cost to you but will go a long way in helping me keep this newsletter free.