Soulful Spending

The Case for Prioritizing Experiences

Hello Aspiring Chillers,

Adventure isn’t always found at the end of the road; sometimes it’s just around the corner.

For those of you who missed last week, this is part 2 of a three-part series about how to control your expenses, especially during the holiday season.

  1. Most of us do not need more things. (Last Week)

  2. Experiences are better than things. (Today)

  3. People do not want the crap you buy them. (Next week)

Why Choose Experiences

Countless studies in recent years have explored the happiness derived from purchasing material items versus experiences. Researchers consistently find that happiness is higher for those who make experiential purchases. This doesn't always mean going on lavish vacations; it can be as simple as going to dinner with friends instead of buying a new pair of shoes. Even when controlled for price, experiences tend to bring more happiness.

Researchers suggest this might be because experiences linger longer in our memories. Regardless of the price, we are likely to be happier doing things. Yet, collectively, we are more inclined to buy material things and use them more often and for far longer than an experience.

Of course, no one on their deathbed is saying, "I wish I had bought that [insert whatever random thing you want]." They all wish they had more time to spend with their families and friends or that they had seen something they never made time for. Consider the stories from older people; they often revolve around experiences that have stayed with them for years, beyond what is even reasonable to remember.

When they do talk about things they bought, it's usually the things that led to experiences that never would have happened if they didn't buy those things. Like their first pair of skis that led to a bunch of unforgettable trips with friends.

Things to Do

Stop waiting to do those things you always say you want to do. Life is short, and there is no guarantee of tomorrow. When you go, make sure you experience things! As a photographer, ensuring memories can be revisited easily is part of it. That said, sometimes, set the camera down and just be. Far too many people, of all ages, spend their time on their phones, even when they are with others or at magical places.

Step out of your comfort zone as well. While going to the same restaurant or location can be great to relive an experience, doing new things can have a longer-lasting effect on us. Have real conversations. Ask the questions you have always been afraid to ask. You will not regret knowing the answers.

If you're looking to challenge yourself or your significant other, get that first referral! This will give you access to the FIRE Game Plan, a worksheet designed to help you figure out how your personal finances fit into the life that you want!

So, instead of buying something for someone this holiday season, plan something to do with them instead. You never know how long that memory might last. For those select few who are going to take this advice, sign up for Going, formerly Scott's Flights. It's great for getting deals on flights without having to watch for yourself. Be open to new and unexpected places!

Weekly Poll

Interesting Stuff

Open AI lost it’s mind in the last week so I suggest just reading and listening to anything you can get your hands on from that story. I assume most of you have used the tech before but this story is wild! This could have a lasting effect on the direction that AI takes in the future. Here is one podcast but there are plenty of sources out there to keep an eye on it!

Cleaning Up

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Legal disclaimer (aka be an adult!): This is NOT financial advice and I am not responsible for your financial decisions and outcomes. I appreciate all of you but do not be stupid with your money and blame me. This is for educational purposes and every situation is specific and different. I do not have one, but if you need personal help with finances then get a fee-based Financial Planner. They will help you with long term goals.

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