Life Changing Habits

Six small things and one large thing to completely change your life.

Hello Aspiring Chillers,

You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

Rabindranath Tagore

In previous posts, I have extensively discussed how I organized my finances and described my current situation. If you missed those posts, you can find them here!

Now, I want to share five things you can do to achieve similar results. Believe it or not, all of these successes stem from making small changes to my thoughts and actions. By making incremental improvements in various aspects, you will transform into someone even your closest friends won't recognize anymore.

Trust me, this is what you're aiming for. These small changes will accumulate, shaping you into the person you aspire to be, rather than the one everyone currently knows. But first!

One Drastic Thought

Change your environment. If you try all of the below and still feel like you are being held back by something or someone, confront that. The easiest way to change is to move. Many people do this for college. I did this later when I moved to Chicago, which completely altered the trajectory of my life.

Your move doesn't need to be as far-reaching as mine; even relocating across town will result in less frequent interactions with the people you used to hang out with. If you're feeling held back, this change will resolve 80% of the battle. The rest is up to you to become the person you aspire to be in this new environment.

All the Small Things

1. Read more

I know it sounds pretty basic, but you might notice a common theme here. Limit your time on social media in your phone settings and simply read more. It can be anything. I love nonfiction, while some people prefer fiction – whatever your preference, just read a few pages each day. It will change you. Furthermore, we have no excuses anymore because audiobooks can be read to you.

2. Learn something new

If you want to do this to make money, that's fine and good, but it can also be a new hobby. This will take you out of your comfort zone and introduce you to new people. There are plenty of fascinating individuals out there; don't hold yourself back by not giving them a chance to teach you something new.

3. Question your beliefs

Most of the time, we don't think about our beliefs. They have become so ingrained in our personality that we will argue for them no matter what. Take a step back and make sure you genuinely believe these things. If you do, that's fine, but I challenge you to find something you thought you believed that no longer suits you. I had many of these. Apart from moving, this was the single most significant change in my life. Write these down in a note-taking app or with pen and paper, and revisit them every 3-6 months.

Always Question!

4. Connect with people who are where you want to be

There's an old adage that you are the average of the five people you hang out with the most. It's astonishing how true this is now that I pay attention to it. This pertains not only to people you interact with in person but also to those you engage with online. Your inner circle shapes who you are, so if you want to become someone else, you'll have to distance yourself from that circle and create a new one.

5. Pay attention to your money

Money is a cruel mistress.

If you don’t pay attention to her, she’ll leave you for someone who will.

If you're reading my articles, you most likely want to get your finances in order. That starts by paying attention to it. I'm not a strict budgeter because it can be too restrictive and doesn't align with how I live my life. However, if you know you spend money impulsively, create a budget and stick to it, even if it's just for a week initially. See how often you catch yourself spending small amounts here and there. Understand that it can add up significantly. Then, take the money you've saved and invest it over time.

Warning Sign GIF

I don't recommend being overly frugal. Others dislike it when you act that way! There's a difference between paying attention to your finances and obsessing over a $3 beer. Instead of Venmo requesting your friends, offer to pay this time, and they can cover the next one. If your “friend” never reciprocates, it tells you more about them. Perhaps you should reconsider that relationship. It's worth spending a few bucks to learn about the people you surround yourself with.

Penny pinching is no way to enjoy life.

The core of Jay Chillin is to show you that you can make money, save it, and still enjoy the journey. Give, give, give, and eventually, the people around you will also give. Your world will be better for it.

6. Bonus Tip: Take Action

This tip is nearly as impactful as questioning your beliefs in terms of the effect it will have on your life. If you take nothing else from this post, take this one.

If you don't put the knowledge to work in some way, it's merely entertainment, not learning. You need to recognize the difference. I've watched countless lectures and videos over the last 15 years of my life that were supposed to teach me something. I may remember the main points of a few, but I've only created actionable steps for a handful, and those are the things I truly learned and applied. Everything else provided momentary entertainment and has since vanished.

Feel The Bern Politics GIF by Bernie Sanders

These may not appear revolutionary, but often, simplicity is the best explanation. These are six straightforward things you can do to completely transform your life.

Weekly Poll

Check out last weeks post if you missed it!

Interesting Stuff

This whole episode is worth listening to. That said I did start you at my favorite part. They talk about scarcity verses abundance thinking. When you make the changes above you are going to go through this same inner monologue. Learn to trust the new you!

Opinion of the week

The worst day of working on your dreams is still better than the best day working on someone else’s!

Cleaning Up

Legal disclaimer (aka be an adult!): This is NOT financial advice and I am not responsible for your financial decisions and outcomes. I appreciate all of you but do not be stupid with your money and blame me. This is for educational purposes and every situation is specific and different. I do not have one, but if you need personal help with finances then get a fee-based Financial Planner. They will help you with long term goals.

Product links in this article are affiliate links including amazon. I will receive a commission if you purchase using the links. This will come at no extra cost to you but will go a long way in helping me keep this newsletter free.