Chasing Freedom

A life journey in real time.

Hello Aspiring Chiller,

Fortune favors the BOLD. This is a phrase that has always stuck with me. I am testing out the theory!

bold GIF

Current Reality

I quit my well-paying job last month.

It had been coming for a while and yet forcing myself to jump was one of the hardest things I have ever done. It probably took me two full years to actually pull the trigger after I started talking to my friends about it. I love to do things on my terms and I have felt held back on that front. This transition is to take back that part of my life and I think you can do it to!

One of my major beliefs is that we have been doing life wrong as a society. Why must we work ourselves in something we do not want to do for 45 years to retire and do all of the things we wished we did when we were younger. I’d rather make enough to get by and enjoy the whole ride and if I have to go back to work when I am old then I will figure it out then. I believe that anyone can achieve everything I lay out in these newsletters.

Quick History Lesson

I have countless degrees and certificates as well as time spent in school. YOU DO NOT NEED TO! This is my truth but it is not necessary to take the steps we are going to talk about. Here’s hoping I can pass that knowledge on!

To put it simply, my parents told their friends for years that I am on the lifetime learner plan. While this is still probably true, I have found a way to have an actual career alongside it. For about a decade I have been working as a software engineer and equities trader. Check out the Bio if you are interested to know more.

fun learn GIF by SoulPancake

Please for the love of god, one thing you should not do is ask me what stocks to buy. My professional profile has a ton of winners and some losers, in a very niche situation. My personal trading profile has not been as good. I thought we should get that out of the way. This is not financial advice…but if you are buying stocks just buy market ETFs unless you are a Pro. More on that in a another newsletter!

Why we are all here!

For those of you that do not personally know me, my name is Josh Hall and I am starting a media content business. Those of you who do know me probably are thinking that can’t be right! Turns out I like to do hard things.

Clearly you are going to write about trading or the market right?

No, absolutely not. I have my opinions on trading and I will share plenty of them but that is not what this newsletter is going to be about. From a young age I always said I was going to retire by 35. Back then I thought I was going to be a professional baseball player. That would have been a long career!

Jay Chillin is going to be my “Early Retirement” journey. (Spoiler Alert!) Let me hit you with a little secret. I am working way more this past month in preparation for this launch than I was working at my old job.

So retirement might be a very loose interpretation, instead we could go with the trendy Financial Independence journey! Anyway, I envision that this is going to continue for quite a while. The difference is if I want to take a Friday off I do not have to ask permission. Freedom is what we are all chasing.

This is my version of it and I will fight like hell to never go back to the W2 life.

retirement age retire GIF by Team Coco

In the Future

This is going to start as a weekly newsletter. I really think there is another way to “live” and I have seen other people achieve freedom using it.

My goal is to share that from the perspective of someone who is much closer to the start than a lot of the other people you see. I will not be posing with my lambo or telling you about get rich quick scams. This is work but if you have been searching for another way, I think I have some insight on what the beginning stages of that looks like.

As we grow together I will continue to share my tips and tricks based on my experiences along the way.

How you can help!

Thank you so much if you have made it this far! As I have stated I want this newsletter to be free and I am going to work my hardest for that to always be true.

  1. What you can do to help is subscribe and share the newsletter with anyone that you think might benefit. Use the link below to get credit!

  2. I also am going to have affiliate links for products that I recommend throughout my newsletters. Know that I will never recommend anything without extensively using it myself first! I will receive a commission from those sales but it will not cost you any extra!

  3. If you want to advertise on this newsletter reach out to me. (One slot per letter right at the top)

  4. Finally, I am available for contract work as a data analyst and software engineer. I am expensive but if you have a need for either of those on a contract basis you can reach out to me (for now). Get in early because this will be the first thing I cut when I can.

There are a ton of rewards for getting referrals so make sure you send your specific link so I can reward you for helping grow my audience. Your specific link is at the bottom of this page.

Weekly Poll

Interesting Stuff

Awesome podcast about ways to embrace major life changes.

Opinion of the week

The actual worst case scenario in anything is never as extreme as we build it up to be in our own minds.

Cleaning Up

Legal disclaimer (aka be an adult!): This is NOT financial advice and I am not responsible for your financial decisions and outcomes. I appreciate all of you but do not be stupid with your money and blame me. This is for educational purposes and every situation is specific and different. I do not have one, but if you need personal help with finances then get a fee-based Financial Planner. They will help you with long term goals.