First Checkin

This is my 4 month check in.

Hello Aspiring Chillers,

Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

- John D. Rockefeller

This edition might seem a bit self-centered, and for that, I apologize. However, I felt it was necessary to share not just for my own reflection but also as encouragement for anyone contemplating a new venture. Fear not, we'll return to our regular financial insights next week.

Last week's newsletter encountered a hiccup, largely disappearing into spam folders due to a combination of the title and a recent surge in subscribers. For those who missed it, I encourage you to click here and catch up. The feedback from those who did manage to read it was incredibly positive, making it all the more essential for everyone to take a look.

On a personal note, I'd like to share some thoughts on my journey into full-time writing. The transition has been a whirlwind of effort to lift my businesses off the ground, but thankfully, we're beginning to see momentum and revenue. The arrival of that first dollar was a profound moment, affirming I'm exactly where I need to be. A heartfelt thank you to all of you, the early adopters, who play a crucial role in helping me chase my dreams.

To the aspirants, the go-getters, and future self-employed or entrepreneurs: brace yourselves. The path is tougher than you can imagine. Success demands more than just desire; it requires a need so deep, you're willing to endure the grueling start for the dream at the end. This journey isn't for the faint-hearted. Every day presents a new challenge—a plate overflowing with tasks, limited time, and even less money to delegate those tasks.

Let's cut through the online facade of effortless success. Yes, the rewards can be great, but they're reserved for those who not only embrace but seek out the struggle. My last four months have been driven by purpose and determination, a stark contrast to the end of my conventional employment. The financial gains are just beginning, and I am laying the foundation for future success.

Bill Simmons, a popular sports podcaster, refers to some NBA players as having "irrational confidence"—believing they're the best even when up against giants like LeBron. This mindset, while seemingly delusional, fuels their exceptional performance. Similarly, I'm propelled by an unshakable belief in my path, despite the challenges.

Sharing my insights and experiences is more than just a choice; it's a calling. The narrative often peddled online about easy success and untapped millions is misleading. The truth is, accessing those millions requires an insatiable hunger. If you're truly ready to dive into the deep end, believing without a doubt in your success, then you're on the right track. If you hesitated, it's a sign that this path might not be for you—at least, not yet. It's crucial to begin laying the groundwork for your business or pursuing your dreams even while you're still employed elsewhere. This approach ensures you're not just building a financial safety net, but also gaining practical experience and momentum in your entrepreneurial journey.

Let my journey inspire you: the right time to chase your dreams is now. While I navigated my path with caution, securing my finances during my employment, the true lesson lies in recognizing the moment your venture begins to flourish. Once you see tangible signs of success—a profitable month, a growing customer base—let that be your signal. Embrace the uncertainty and commit fully to your entrepreneurial path. Hesitation only delays the realization of your vision. Fuel your journey with relentless drive and determination, and you'll navigate towards a future filled with achievement and financial autonomy.

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Interesting Stuff

I spent all of last week in Austin, TX. If you have never been put it on the list of places to visit. If you are heading that way I can get you a list of some great spots to hit up. I did not finish a book or podcast worth mentioning on that trip so instead I will share an old photo I took in Austin.

Cleaning Up

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Legal disclaimer (aka be an adult!): This is NOT financial advice and I am not responsible for your financial decisions and outcomes. I appreciate all of you but do not be stupid with your money and blame me. This is for educational purposes and every situation is specific and different. I do not have one, but if you need personal help with finances then get a fee-based Financial Planner. They will help you with long term goals.

Product links in this article are affiliate links. I will receive a commission if you purchase using the links. This will come at no extra cost to you but will go a long way in helping me keep this newsletter free.